project evaluation for provision of free and equitable primary education service to returnee school aged children in Kismayo.
- January 22, 2016
- Posted by: e@gleconsulting
- Category: Information Technology Consulting, Uncategorized

Executive Summary
Qatar Charity is (QC) is a leading Gulf-origin nongovernmental organization dedicated to carrying out humanitarian and development programs to fight global poverty by working in partnership with vulnerable communities regardless of faith, race, gender or political beliefs. Qatar Charity enables people to survive, recover and rebuild their lives while also empowering them to become self-sufficient through practical knowledge, focused expertise and innovative solutions. QC has been maintaining active present in Somali since 2007 through its field office in Mogadishu. It has a portfolio of programs focusing on both humanitarian and development sectors.
Qatar Charity (QC) has been doing education project in Kismayo with funds from UNHCR. The aim is to enhance and promote sustainable return for refugees from Kenya back to Somalia. The project has employed the strategy of institutional based support by running Midnimo primary school in new shelter. The project worked to provide free and equitable primary education services to the school aged boys and girls in the settlement. QC has been supporting the administrative as well as salaries of the teaching staff in coordination with MoE in Jubbaland. Currently the school project at Midnimo primary School has 380 students. Children have received education support to build their resilience and to better address risks and stress they are facing by strengthening the capacity of children themselves.
This report is for end of project evaluation in Kismayo where the Midnimo free primary school project was implemented. The evaluation was carried out by Eagle Consultancy Limited (ECL) in December 2018.
The team undertook desk review of the main project documentation provided by Qatar Charity project documents including documents of reference, project proposals, baseline and midline surveys, project budgets, project progress reports, monitoring plans and other reports.
The team also consulted MoE strategic planning and framework hence, prepared and designed key instrument required for data collection including household questionnaires (HHs), key informant interviews (KII), Focus group discussions (FGDs) guide as well as observational tool and shared with Qatar Charity for review.
Key Informant Interviews were conducted for various groups of participants to determine the extent to which the project results were realized.
Midnimo End-term Evaluation_2018
Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) are important to obtain a deeper understanding of the issues faced by the identified beneficiaries, particularly returnees refugees from Kenya to Somali (school aged boys and girls, IDPs, youths and women). The FGDs were conducted in a culturally sensitive way to reflect social customs and encourage the participation of all groups in the discussions (representative of age, gender, membership of minority groups, social and cultural barriers).
The Midnimo free primary school project reached the relevant intended beneficiaries because 350 students out of the intended 400 students were successfully enrolled in the learning facility.
The free primary education was most relevant to both the female and male school aged children seeing that they all did not have any primary education opportunity in the village.
The data showed that the project had positive impact on the lives of beneficiaries as majority of the beneficiaries reported that they are currently very satisfied with the education they are getting.
Conclusions and Recommendations: The project was impactful to the lives of beneficiaries and the community is yearning to see more funding in order to reach out to more of the uneducated children in the community.